How to Manage Pre-Wedding Family Drama

A wedding is a special celebration of two lives coming together as one. It is a time to drink and be merry, and to look forward to many years of wedded bliss. Planning that wedding, however, can be a real nightmare when everyone is chiming in with their opinion, and when some people don’t get along with other people. If you can relate, keep reading to learn some ways you can manage pre-wedding family drama.
Map Out Your Needs First
Before opening yourselves up to family suggestions and requests, be sure you and your fiancé sit down to discuss what is most important to you both. What will help you maintain a level of authenticity and have a wedding that truly reflects your values and love for one another? Only when you have your needs and vision firmly in your mind should you open the floor to others’.
Be Open But Firm
Your family members love you and, for the most part, their input is to ensure your day is perfect. Meet these pieces of advice and opinions with an open mind, remaining flexible and collaborative.
Having said that, do NOT feel the need to try and accommodate everyone else’s needs and vision. At the end of the day, this is YOUR big day.
Make Self-Care a Priority
Much family drama stems from not being able to deal with the stress in the first place. Be sure to take care of yourself during this planning phase. That means eating right and not giving into the junk food that’s calling, getting enough sleep and making time for relaxing. When you feel good you are able to deal with family drama in a calm manner.
Weddings should be fun. So should planning them. Be sure to have your vision in mind, remain flexible, and make your mental and physical health a priority!